Tag Archives: Office

ASIA DMC partners with Enchantive Asia to relaunch the Bangkok office

ASIA DMC partners with Enchantive Asia to relaunch the Bangkok office

The two sides, ASIA DMC and Enchantive Asia, have signed a memorandum of understanding for the relaunching of the ASIA DMC office in Bangkok. Article by: Neeracha Malisak – Lemire As both embark on this new chapter with enthusiasm, optimism, and a shared commitment to excellence, the aim of this strategic partnership is to continue […]

Foreign Office seeks to clarify US travel ban | News

UNWTO raises deep concern over US travel ban | News

British overseas secretary Boris Johnson has sought to clarify a travel ban to the United States throughout conversations with the federal government officers. President Trump signed a ban on immigration from seven nations on Friday, halting all the US refugee programme for 120 days. The identical order indefinitely banned Syrian refugees, and suspended visas for […]